May 27, 2010
Assessment and Options for Renewal
In this research paper, Leslie Seidle examines the Ontario, Manitoba and BC federal-provincial agreements and identifies a number of successes and potential improvements that should govern the renegotiation of the next COIA.
The achievements of the COIA include enhanced funding for settlement and integration services, expanded programming, co-funding of Ontario Bridge Training projects, increased professionalization of the settlement sector, and the successful inclusion of the municipal sector. Some new programs, such as the Local Immigration Partnerships Initiative, have been particularly successful.
Yet problems, such as a lack of follow through on federal spending commitments, have emerged that must be corrected in a renewed agreement. BC and Manitoba have not experienced these challenges. The federal government has delivered on its financial commitments. More importantly, from a program design perspective, these provinces have developed innovative services that are tailored to the particular circumstances of newcomers. They are also better coordinated with the suite of other provincial programs that support integration, in areas as diverse as sport and recreation, early childhood education, family counselling, housing, employment, community mental health, and all of the various services offered through the provincially-run education system that connect with children.
Executive Summary
In this research report, Leslie Seidle examines the Ontario, Manitoba and BC federal-provincial agreements and identifies a number of successes and potential improvements that should govern the renegotiation of the next COIA.
The achievements of the COIA include enhanced funding for settlement and integration services, expanded programming, co-funding of Ontario Bridge Training projects, increased professionalization of the settlement sector, and the successful inclusion of the municipal sector. Some new programs, such as the Local Immigration Partnerships Initiative, have been particularly successful.
Yet problems, such as a lack of follow through on federal spending commitments, have emerged that must be corrected in a renewed agreement. BC and Manitoba have not experienced these challenges. The federal government has delivered on its financial commitments. More importantly, from a program design perspective, these provinces have developed innovative services that are tailored to the particular circumstances of newcomers. They are also better coordinated with the suite of other provincial programs that support integration, in areas as diverse as sport and recreation, early childhood education, family counselling, housing, employment, community mental health, and all of the various services offered through the provincially-run education system that connect with children.