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Feb 28, 2013

The Mowat Centre’s Third Anniversary and Panel Discussion

February 28, 2013

Over two hundred invited guests attended The Mowat Centre’s Third Anniversary celebration, Beyond Dutch Disease: Ontario’s Place in the Evolving Canadian Economy, and a panel discussion on Ontario’s economic future.

The symposium was held at the Bram and Bluma Appel Salon at the Toronto Reference Library, and highlighted challenges and opportunities for Ontario’s economy and assessed how a booming resource sector can coexist with globally competitive manufacturing and service sectors. Introductory remarks were delivered by Matthew Mendelsohn and the discussion was moderated by Jonathan Kay of the National Post. Panelists included Madelaine Drohan, The Economist; Mike Moffatt, Western University; Chris Ragan, McGill University and Jim Stanford, Canadian Auto Workers.

Event Photo Gallery