The charitable and non-profit sector is an essential driver of Ontario’s economy and society. Over the last two decades, Canada’s not-for-profit (NFP) sector has evolved significantly, continuing to contribute an essential part of Canada’s social fabric, civic life, and economy. But its resilience has emerged as a critical issue.
In 2012, Mowat established a research hub to provide evidence-based research and analysis on systemic issues facing the non-profit sector in Canada. The substantive focus of Mowat NFP’s research agenda will assess the policy drivers and enabling conditions that can strengthen, accelerate and scale the NFP sector’s contributions to build thriving communities and improve well-being.
As part of an independent think tank with strong partnerships with government and the sector, Mowat NFP brings a balanced perspective through which to examine the challenges facing today’s sector and to support its future direction. Mowat NFP works in partnership with umbrella organizations such as the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) and Imagine Canada to ensure our research and policy recommendations are timely and relevant to the sector and reflect its values.
Alongside this paper, we also compiled a number of examples of Canadian capacity-building organizations and multi-sector partnerships that are successfully learning and sharing what works to help improve outcomes for people in their communities. We present this initial listing to help advance the effort of mapping Canada’s evidence landscape, and welcome additions and corrections to it.
To this page
This research series from Mowat NFP explores different dimensions of an enabling environment in the relationship between the charitable and non-profit sector and government. The series is intended to help the federal government and the charitable and NFP sector develop a modern federal policy framework that enables the sector and strengthens its ability to improve the quality of life of Canadians and people around the world.
The Community Safety Knowledge Alliance and Mowat NFP hosted a two day event that brought international leaders and innovators in evidence-informed policymaking together to share emerging trends, discuss lessons learned, and provide fresh insight into the challenges facing policymakers, practitioners, researchers and academics in their quest to determine ‘what works’.
Data and Information
An Open Future
Financing and Funding Models
From Investment to Impact
The Social Enterprise Opportunity for Ontario
Government-Sector Relationship
On the Mend
Charting a Path Forward
Susan Manwaring
Partner, Miller Thomson
Elizabeth McIsaac
President, Maytree Foundation
Cathy Taylor
Executive Director, Ontario Nonprofit Network
Bruce MacDonald
CEO, Imagine Canada
Michelynn Lafleche
Vice President, Strategy, Research and Policy, United Way Toronto & York Region
Blair Dimock
Vice-President, Partnerships and Knowledge, Ontario Trillium Foundation
Katie Gibson
Director, Programs and Integration Branch, Ministry of Status of Women
Andrew Parkin
Director, Mowat Centre
Staff Lead:
Lisa Lalande
Executive Lead, Mowat NFP
None at this time.