May 29, 2017
A one-day forum exploring the future of energy in Ontario
Session 1: Regional Energy Planning
Session 2: Ratemaking and Distributed Energy Resources
Session 3: Utility Business Models
Session 4: Policy and Regulatory Evolution
Master of Ceremonies
Sean Conway, Ryerson University
8:45 am – 9:00 am
Welcome Address: Placing Distributed Energy Resources into the Ontario Energy Context
Paul Sommerville, Mowat Centre
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Session 1: Regional Energy Planning
Regional energy planning is becoming a crucial consideration in the regulatory and operating environment. This panel will examine who needs to participate, how system concerns should be reflected in energy planning, and how other forms of local and regional planning – such as land-use and transportation – could be integrated into it.
George Vegh, McCarthy Tétrault
Fernando Carou, City of Toronto
Richard Laszlo, QUEST
Scott Stevens, Northland Power
Joe Toneguzzo, IESO
Sarah Van Der Paelt, Union Gas
10:45 am – 12:00
Session 2: Ratemaking and Distributed Energy Resources
Valuing distributed energy resources (DER) properly is crucial to ensuring the efficient planning and operation of the energy system. Yet there are questions as to how exactly DER should be valued, what considerations need to be included, and how granular the rates should be. This panel will also examine how to ensure that full costs and benefits of any DER installations are taken into account.
Robert Warren, WeirFoulds
Ira Shavel, Brattle Group Presentation
Indy J. Butany-DeSouza, Alectra
Kaleb Ruch, Toronto Hydro
Geoff Osborne, NRStor
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Session 3: Utility Business Models
The durability of the current business model governing energy utilities in an evolving distributed future is at issue. This panel will examine the role of the franchised utility in the future, and the implications of new business models for utilities, ratepayers and potential competitors.
Jay Shepherd, Shepherd Rubenstein
Ken Costello, National Regulatory Research Institute
Steve McGill, Enbridge Gas
Gord Reynolds, Spark Solar
Gregory Van Dusen, Hydro Ottawa
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Session 4: Policy and Regulatory Evolution
The future of energy will require an evolution in energy policy and regulation. Transparency and consumer rights may become larger issues, as well as how to respond to changes in technology and utility business models. This panel will consider how policy and regulation could co-exist and work together to ensure that all stakeholders can benefit from the evolution of the sector.
Cynthia Chaplin
Teresa Sarkesian, Electricity Distributors Association
Julie Girvan, Consumers Council of Canada
David Collie, Electrical Safety Authority
Sarah Petrevan, Clean Energy Canada
May 29, 2017
8:00 – 4:00pm
MaRs Discovery District
101 College St. W., Toronto, ON