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Mar 09, 2016

Policies for the tourism sharing economy

March 9, 2016

Chapter From OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2016

In this research contribution for the OECD’s Tourism Trends and Policies 2016, the Mowat Centre discusses the growth of the sharing economy, considers what it means for the tourism sector and assesses key policy implications. Read More

Mar 07, 2016

Mowat Centre Request for Proposals: Future Drivers and Trends Affecting Energy Development in Ontario

March 7, 2016

Update: Project award

Project components were divided between the following successful bidders:

  • Cynthia Chaplin
  • International Energy Transition GmbH and Meister Consultants Group
  • National Regulatory Research Institute
  • Navigant Consulting Ltd.
  • Sweco International AB
  • Waters Wye Associates Ltd

Mowat Energy is conducting a comprehensive study of emerging trends facing the energy sector, with a focus on the drivers and potential trajectories of energy transformation in Ontario and on the effects of energy transformation on Ontario’s energy sector and beyond. Read More

Feb 22, 2016

Trust and the Sharing Economy

February 22, 2016

Mowat’s Policy Director Sunil Johal discusses the sharing economy’s trust-based marketplaces and new opportunities for fraud.
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Feb 11, 2016

How the federal government can get more bang for its infrastructure buck

February 11, 2016

The new federal government has made major commitments to Canada’s infrastructure, including a plan to nearly double spending from $65 billion to $125 billion over the next 10 years.

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Feb 10, 2016

If governments think regulating Uber is complicated, just wait for self-driving cars

February 10, 2016

New Mowat report says automated vehicles are coming fast and governments need to plan now

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Feb 10, 2016

Robot, Take the Wheel

February 10, 2016

Public policy for automated vehicles

Automated vehicles present a potentially revolutionary change to the way that we move people and goods. At the current pace, they could be ready for public roads on a wide scale within five to ten years. Read More

Feb 04, 2016

The Federal Role in the Sharing Economy

February 4, 2016

Mowat’s Policy Director Sunil Johal discusses the federal government’s role in the sharing economy debate.
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Feb 04, 2016

Legalizing marijuana? That’s the easy part. How to regulate it is the bigger challenge

February 4, 2016

Legalizing marijuana in Canada could be both a regulatory minefield and a revenue bonanza for governments. Prime Minister Trudeau has given the Ministers of Justice, Public Safety and Health mandates to “create a federal-provincial-territorial process that will lead to the legalization and regulation of marijuana”. Read More