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Sep 01, 2013

Mowat Centre Annual Report 2012-13

September 1, 2013

Mowat Centre’s 2012-13 annual report with updates on our year’s publications, events, staff and media presence. Read More

Jul 25, 2013

Canada Job Grant is a bad deal for provinces

July 25, 2013

When the premiers meet Thursday in Niagara-on-the-Lake, jobs and skills will be at the top of the agenda.
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Jun 28, 2013

Getting the Green Light

June 28, 2013

The Path to Public Support for Ontario’s Power Plans

This report identifies principles that Ontario can employ to gain greater public support and social license for long-term energy planning and infrastructure decisions. Read More

Jun 28, 2013

Jun 24, 2013

The Social Enterprise Opportunity for Ontario

June 24, 2013

This Sector Signal explores the potential and viability of social enterprise for providing innovative and cost effective solutions to deliver on the promise of inclusive economies and resilient communities in Ontario. Read More

Jun 18, 2013

Ottawa Should Drop the Canada Job Grant

June 18, 2013

The federal government and the provinces agree that Canada needs more and better skills training for unemployed people. Not only will new skills mean jobs for some Canadians now out of work, our labour market demands highly skilled workers to keep up in the rapidly changing world economy.
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Jun 17, 2013

Jun 05, 2013

Human Capital Renewal in the Nonprofit Sector

June 5, 2013

Framing the Strategy

This report identifies and explores three key human capital priorities for the not-for-profit sector: closing the leadership gap, finding and keeping talent, and developing human capital. Read More