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May 24, 2013

Abolish the Senate? Forget it: Change the Senate? Maybe

May 24, 2013

As the Mike Duffy saga reaches its sad denouement, the more important issue remains: The federal government’s efforts to reform the Senate are dead. Read More

May 16, 2013

Apr 25, 2013

Ottawa Should Say No to the Global Currency Casino

April 25, 2013

A debate has been raging in the City of Toronto about building a casino. Read More

Apr 23, 2013

Why we should say ‘no’ to the Canada Jobs Grant

April 23, 2013

According to the Harper government’s recent Budget, thousands of jobs are going unfilled due to a shortage of skilled labour while at the same time more than a million Canadians are unemployed. Read More

Apr 19, 2013

How to curb precarious employment

April 19, 2013

There has been a growth in precarious work in Ontario in the past decade. This affects us all. Read More

Apr 11, 2013

New Canada/U.S. council will tackle problems of Great Lakes

April 11, 2013


Mowat Director Matthew Mendelsohn and CUSLI Director David Kocan in the Toronto Star on the founding of the new CGLR. Read More

Apr 11, 2013

Council of the Great Lakes Region Launch

April 11, 2013

On April 11-12, 2013, the Mowat Centre and the Canada-US Law Institute, in partnership with many regional actors, launched a new bi-national organization to advance effective and coordinated private sector, public sector, and civil society responses to our shared regional challenges: the Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR). Read More

Apr 09, 2013

New Mowat Centre research on a better approach to Canada’s exchange rate policy.

April 9, 2013

More Stability, Please: A New Policy Approach to Canada’s Exchange Rate

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