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Apr 20, 2017

Policy in a Pub: Is the Ontario workforce ready for the future?

April 20, 2017

Rapid technological change is disrupting work realities in both obvious and subtle ways. What key skill sets will be essential to success in the increasingly automated and flexible workplace on the horizon?

How well-prepared is Ontario’s workforce for these new realities? Are our policy frameworks, government programs, and public funding mechanisms up to the task of adequately supporting this transformation and if not, how can they be improved?

Join us on April 27th for a lively discussion of these topics with new Mowat Centre Director Andrew Parkin, Harvey Weingarten (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario), Vass Bednar (the Expert Panel on Youth Employment) and John MacLaughlin (Toronto Workforce Innovation Group).

The Mowat Centre is committed to connecting professionals from across the broader public policy community by bringing together people from the public, private, non-profit, academic and media sectors. This discussion is part of our Policy in a Pub series, an ongoing opportunity to hear from each other and exchange ideas in an informal setting.



Andrew Parkin
Mowat Centre

Harvey Weingarten
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

Vass Bednar
Expert Panel on Youth Employment

John MacLaughlin
Toronto Workforce Innovation Group



Thursday, April 27

5:00 – 8:00pm

The Pilot, 22 Cumberland St.
2nd Floor “Stealth Lounge”


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Space is limited, so please RSVP.