October 20, 2016
Is a basic income good public policy? If so, how should it be delivered, and to whom?
The community of people working on public policy issues in the GTA extends far beyond Queen’s Park or City Hall. The Mowat Centre is committed to connecting professionals from across the broader public policy community by bringing together people from the public, private, non-profit, academic and media sectors. On October 20th, we will be hosting the next installment in our Policy in a Pub series to hear from each other and exchange ideas in an informal setting – this time featuring a conversation on the merits of implementing a basic income in Ontario.
Andrew Coyne
National Affairs Columnist
Trish Hennessy
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Michael Mendelson
Caledon Institute of Social Policy
4th speaker TBC
Thursday, October 20, 2016
5:30 – 7:30pm
The Pilot, 22 Cumberland St.
2nd Floor “Stealth Lounge”