An Informal Approach to Effective Regional Governance in Canada
For the last few decades, there has been a growing commentary on Canada’s anachronistic approach to its biggest cities. Over the 150 years of our country’s history, our large cities have become economic, social and cultural engines.Read More
Canadians have always aspired to a kind of open, cosmopolitan citizenship. Wilfrid Laurier said freedom was our nationality. Pierre Trudeau declared himself a citizen of the world.Read More
Cities should represent progress. More than half of the global population now lives in cities and, according to the World Health Organization, this number continues to climb by 60 million people a year. The urbanization of our world should be a sign of our evolution as a species. But is it?Read More
In 1957, Canada was just ten years shy of celebrating its centennial—still an adolescent nation, wrangling with domestic soul-searching and trying to carve out a name for itself in the international community. That year would see government pass the Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act.Read More