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Mar 30, 2015

A Review of the Economic Impact of Energy East on Ontario

March 30, 2015

As part of its detailed review of the proposed Energy East pipeline project, the Ontario Energy Board asked the Mowat Centre to conduct an analysis of the economic impacts of Energy East on Ontario.

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Feb 20, 2015

An Open Future

February 20, 2015

Data priorities for the not-for-profit sector

The latest Mowat NFP Sector Signal examines the open data opportunity for the NFP sector and outlines the conditions that must be considered and developed in order to effectively meet the sector’s data needs. Read More

Feb 16, 2015

Policymaking for the Sharing Economy

February 16, 2015

Beyond Whack-A-Mole

This report looks at the public policy questions raised by the sharing economy and makes recommendations on how governments should approach these new marketplaces. Read More

Nov 11, 2014

Reprogramming Government for the Digital Era

November 11, 2014

This Shifting Gears report explores the promise and perils of digital technologies for the core functions of governments. Read More

Sep 22, 2014

International Delivery

September 22, 2014

Centres of government and the drive for better policy implementation

Policy implementation failures attract international headlines and undermine the credibility of political administrations. Read More