June 16, 2017
A new model of institutional governance in Canada
To better align the skills of Canada’s workers with the needs its of employers, significant shortcomings with respect to labour market information need to be overcome.
To that end, the 2017 federal budget announced the creation of a “skills lab” to collect information about the skills needed in the labour market, explore new approaches to skills development, and share information about what types of program are the best bets for future investments in skills development. For the skills lab to succeed, however, provinces and territories – the primary policy actors in the field of skills training and development – must not simply be consulted; they must actively participate in designing, mandating and overseeing it from the outset.
The skills lab should be seen not solely as an opportunity to operate as a laboratory for skills development and measurement, but as an experiment in the development of a more mature approach to federal-provincial institutional co-governance in Canada. A model of federal-provincial-territorial “co-ownership” of the skills lab would not only improve its chances for success, but could serve as an innovative, practical model for overcoming some of the recurring frictions that Canada’s federal system can create.
In the aftermath of the economic crisis, few policy issues have attracted as much attention as skills development. Discussion has focused on the types of skills that employees need to ensure they can successfully navigate an ever-more demanding labour market, and those that employers need to have on hand to help them survive in an ever-more competitive marketplace. This has been accompanied by concerns about skills gaps and mismatches – about whether some Canadians are making poor choices when it comes to their education and training, and whether the labour market is beset with a paradoxical combination of over- and under-qualified workers.
In this context, attention has continued to focus on the need for better labour market information to guide the decision of employees, employers and policy makers alike. As an advisory panel on the issue argued in 2009, “a good LMI [labour market information] system will help to improve the matching of people and jobs both in times of labour shortages and high unemployment. And a good LMI system is always necessary to make sure that the right policy decisions are made to improve the economy’s performance and lower unemployment.”1
In particular, those concerned with the need to better align the skills that workers have with the needs of employers have identified two significant shortcomings with respect to labour market information in Canada: an insufficient level of granularity in the data that tell us what is really going on in the labour market, and a lack of evidence about what kinds of skills training programs are actually succeeding in helping employees keep their jobs or transition to new ones.2
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In order to successfully implement the skills lab proposal, a number of questions will need to be answered – including questions about what it will measure and how, about the right mix of descriptive and experimental research, and about how it will fit into the complex network of actors and agencies that are already active in this policy landscape. More critical than these, however, is the question of governance – and it is on this question that this paper will focus. It is the skills lab’s governance structure that will ultimately determine how successful it will be.
As others have already recognized, “if an appropriate governance structure is not established, it is impossible to develop the kind of LMI system we need.”5 This is true in large part because of the inescapable fact that labour market policies and the information that underpins them unfold in Canada in the context of intersecting federal-provincial-territorial jurisdiction. As a result, “a higher level of co-operation and coordination among governments is thus now required to make sure that Canadians get the LMI they need and deserve. And this will require making sure that the LMI system has the appropriate governance structure.”6
The starting point for the development of an appropriate governance structure is the recognition that the skills lab cannot be a solely federal initiative. For the skills lab to succeed, provinces and territories – the primary policy actors in the field of skills training and development – must not simply be consulted; they must actively participate in designing, mandating and overseeing it from the outset.
In the absence of some quick and creative thinking about how Ottawa can co-design and co-govern institutions jointly with the provinces and territories, the skills lab will never live up to expectations. It will inevitably founder on the same jurisdictional rocks as previous well-intentioned but poorly conceived federal initiatives in the area of skills development – an area that is hardly an exclusively federal responsibility.
The skills lab, therefore, should be seen not solely as an opportunity to operate as a laboratory for skills development and measurement but as an experiment in the development of a more mature approach to federal-provincial institutional co-governance in Canada. A model of federal-provincial-territorial “co-ownership” of the skills lab would not only improve its chances for success, but could serve as an innovative, practical model for overcoming some of the recurring frictions that Canada’s federal system can create.
Andrew Parkin
Erich Hartmann
Michael Morden
Release Date
June 16, 2017
Mowat Research
No. 152
- Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information (2009). Working Together to Build a Better Labour Market Information System for Canada – Final Report, p. i. Ottawa: Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information. Available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/rhdcc-hrsdc/HS18-24-2009-eng.pdf. [↩]
- Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information (2009). Working Together to Build a Better Labour Market Information System for Canada – Final Report, p. i. Ottawa: Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information. Available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/rhdcc-hrsdc/HS18-24-2009-eng.pdf. [↩]
- Government of Canada (2017). Building a Strong Middle Class: Budget 2017, p. 57. Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2017). Available at http://www.budget.gc.ca/2017/docs/plan/budget-2017-en.pdf. [↩]
- Weingarten, Harvey P. (2017). “FutureSkills Lab: A Step in the Right Direction.” It’s Not Academic Blog Post, The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), February 28, 2017. Available at http://blog-en.heqco.ca/2017/02/harvey-p-weingarten-futureskills-lab-a-step-in-the-right-direction/. [↩]
- Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information (2009). Working Together to Build a Better Labour Market Information System for Canada – Final Report, p. iv. Ottawa: Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information. Available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/rhdcc-hrsdc/HS18-24-2009-eng.pdf. [↩]
- Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information (2009). Working Together to Build a Better Labour Market Information System for Canada – Final Report, p. 91. Ottawa: Advisory Panel on Labour Market Information. Available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/rhdcc-hrsdc/HS18-24-2009-eng.pdf. [↩]