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Aug 09, 2017

We’re speaking more languages, but is our landscape more diverse?

August 9, 2017

Each fresh wave of results from the 2016 Census brings a new appreciation for Canada’s deepening diversity, and last week’s release is no exception. As of 2016, 23 per cent of Canadians have a language other than English or French as their “mother tongue.” That figure rises to 29 per cent in Ontario and a remarkable 47 per cent – almost one in two – in Toronto. Read More

Aug 02, 2017

Emerging Energy Trends: Conference Outcomes Report

August 2, 2017

Regulatory responses to Ontario’s energy future

On May 29, 2017, Mowat Energy hosted an international conference exploring the future of energy in Ontario. Read More

Aug 02, 2017

Men will lose the most jobs to robots, and that’s ok

August 2, 2017

Sunil Johal discusses automation and the future of work on AM640’s The Morning Show. Read More

Jul 19, 2017

Delivering Benefit

July 19, 2017

Achieving community benefits in Ontario

This report examines the key success factors for designing effective community benefits requirements for large transit infrastructure projects and how their success can be monitored, tracked and measured – particularly for targeted training and recruitment initiatives. Read More

Jul 13, 2017

Policy on a Patio

July 13, 2017

With patio season upon us, let’s celebrate Ontario’s 150th!

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Jul 06, 2017

From fail-safe to safe-to-fail

July 6, 2017

Creating a Ministry of Failure in Canadian government

Failure is not an option for government. Public dollars are at stake. Political leaders expect perfection in program design and policy thinking to preserve their re-election hopes. Civil servants hoping to move up the career ladder are loathe to admit mistakes. Yet, if governments don’t fail sometimes, how can they successfully tackle the cross-cutting, complex issues that increasingly bedevil society?
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Jun 29, 2017

Let’s get in the game

June 29, 2017

Revitalizing Canada’s sport sector

Canadians certainly have a passion for sport. Not only for the sake of entertainment: many of us – 85 per cent to be exact – feel that participation also has the potential to build stronger communities. Therefore, it was appropriate when Governor General David Johnston declared 2015 the “Year of Sport” in Canada. Read More

Jun 29, 2017

Future jobs: How we’ll earn a living 150 years from now

June 29, 2017

Canadians have seen the world of work rapidly reshape itself around them in the past 30 years. Globalization, technological change, declining unionization rates and new business strategies are among the forces that have combined to create a labour market characterized by stagnant wages and eroding job quality. Read More

Jun 27, 2017

What if you could take it with you?

June 27, 2017

A portable benefits scheme for all Canadian workers

Imagine it’s the year 2067.

Fifty years from now, what it means to work and have a career has changed entirely and Canada’s labour market is nearly unrecognizable. Innovation and investment have left the economy booming and labour productivity has hit a record high, but almost no one works in the once-standard nine-to-five form of employment. Read More

Jun 22, 2017

Mowat Centre Request for Supplier Qualifications: Polling/Survey Research Services

June 22, 2017

Background and Purpose

The Mowat Centre is requesting quotes from suppliers to deliver polling/survey research services in support of a research project focused on the values and attitudes of Canadians related to a number of public policy issues. This study will provide up-to-date, rigorous and balanced evidence on Canadians’ attitudes toward one another, their country and a rapidly shifting global political context. It will assess whether and how Canadian attitudes have shifted along with, or in response to, recent global events. Read More