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Oct 27, 2016

Unpacking Impact

October 27, 2016

Exploring Impact Measurement for Social Enterprises in Ontario

With support from the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Growth (MEDG), Mowat NFP developed this report to examine the concept of common impact measurement frameworks and standardization globally, and identify specific opportunities to strengthen impact measurement practices for the social enterprise ecosystem in Ontario. Read More

Oct 20, 2016

Mowat Centre Annual Report 2016

October 20, 2016

Mowat Centre’s annual report provides an overview of our publications, activities and public policy impact for the 2015-16 year. Read More

Oct 20, 2016

Change Work: Summary & Promising Practices

October 20, 2016

Moving Decent Work Forward in the Not-for-Profit Sector

This report is a summary of the Change Work report that was published in November 2015 and includes six promising practices that NFPs can draw on when considering how to implement or advocate for decent work in their places of employment. Read More

Oct 20, 2016

Policy in a Pub: Thinking About Basic Income

October 20, 2016

Is a basic income good public policy? If so, how should it be delivered, and to whom? Read More

Oct 19, 2016

Ottawa and the provinces must be equal partners on health care

October 19, 2016

Faced with an aging population, it will take increased funding from Ottawa but also better management by the provinces to address Canada’s health care challenges.
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Sep 29, 2016

Regulating Utility Governance

September 29, 2016

An Analysis of the Ontario Energy Board’s Role

The Ontario Energy Board has announced its intention to conduct a consultation respecting its role in providing guidance to regulated entities with respect to corporate governance. Read More