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Mar 10, 2015

Transfer Payments: Answers to the questions you were too embarrassed to ask

March 10, 2015

This year the federal government will send $62.5 billion in transfer payments to provincial and local governments — over one quarter of the federal budget.

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Mar 04, 2015

We asked a group of tech executives: “What does it take to grow in London, Ontario?”

March 4, 2015

Across Ontario, mid-sized cities like London are counting on entrepreneurs in growth areas such as information and communications technology (ICT) to create jobs and economic prosperity. Read More

Feb 26, 2015

Can Canada learn anything from the Eurozone debt crisis?

February 26, 2015

Canadians like to brag about the strength of our country’s public finances.
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Feb 20, 2015

An Open Future

February 20, 2015

Data priorities for the not-for-profit sector

The latest Mowat NFP Sector Signal examines the open data opportunity for the NFP sector and outlines the conditions that must be considered and developed in order to effectively meet the sector’s data needs. Read More

Feb 19, 2015

Red carpet coverage for policy wonks: What we learned from this year’s Oscar contenders

February 19, 2015

As Hollywood glams it up for Oscar night this Sunday, policy wonks might not be as interested in the mani-cams on the red carpet as they are in substantive coverage of 2014’s top film contenders.

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Feb 17, 2015

Airbnb and Uber are here, and they’re growing. It’s time for policymakers to catch up.

February 17, 2015

Governments around the world are struggling to cope with new “sharing economy” technology platforms that allow people to buy goods and services directly from one another in “peer-to-peer” transactions.
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Feb 16, 2015

Policymaking for the Sharing Economy

February 16, 2015

Beyond Whack-A-Mole

This report looks at the public policy questions raised by the sharing economy and makes recommendations on how governments should approach these new marketplaces. Read More

Feb 13, 2015

Three pieces of advice for the federal government on its new Innovation Hub

February 13, 2015

This week the Privy Council Office launched its new Central Innovation Hub, which means Canada just joined a growing list of countries establishing innovation labs at the very heart of government.
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Feb 11, 2015

Want better performance from civil servants? Start with improving accountability

February 11, 2015

When accountability in government makes the news it is often for the wrong reason — scandals, resignations, scathing auditor-general reports, or even questionable election campaign tactics.

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