Towards a more principled allocation of federal transfers
Over the ten years from 2007 to 2016, Ontarians paid a total of $96.3 billion more in federal taxes than they received in federal spending. In 2016 alone, that gap was $12.9 billion. This is the key finding from A Fair Fiscal Deal: Towards a more principled allocation of federal transfers, Mowat’s latest report.Read More
Over many years, the Mowat Centre’s research has documented the fact that Ontarians receive far less in federal spending than they send to the federal government in tax revenue. Newly released data again highlights this “fiscal gap” – and shows that it is growing.Read More
The “gap” is a dollar figure that seeks to measure a province’s aggregate net fiscal contribution or benefit vis-à-vis the rest of the federation. The federal government collects financial resources from its myriad revenue sources.Read More