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Jun 06, 2017

Video: Bold Ideas – “The Uber of public policy”

June 6, 2017

In the latest release in Mowat’s Bold Ideas series, Ted Graham, Head of Open Innovation at General Motors, calls on Canadian governments to embrace disruption and lessons learned through the sharing economy to modernize the policymaking process.

To achieve this, governments should:

  1. Leverage technology, such as AI and machine learning, and apply it to the core of policymaking
  2. Take advantage of exponential inventory to incorporate lessons from policies implemented in other jurisdictions
  3. Incorporate the concept of dynamic pricing – when a surge in policymaking may be needed on complex topics, bring in experts to help address them at a premium rate
  4. Understand trust via ratings and feedback

Graham concludes that by adapting existing approaches that have worked outside the public sector to policymaking, governments will be better positioned to more quickly and efficiently tackle future challenges.

As Canada marks its 150th birthday this year, Canadians have a historic opportunity not only to celebrate a century and a half of accomplishments, but also to look forward to what we can achieve in the future. The Mowat Centre is releasing a series of short written pieces and video interviews that look ahead and present a variety of bold, potentially transformative policy ideas.

More Bold Ideas

Video Title

The Uber of public policy: Disrupting traditional approaches

Featured Contributors

Ted Graham

Release Date

June 6, 2017

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