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Nov 26, 2014

Mowat Centre Annual Report 2014

November 26, 2014

Mowat Centre’s annual report provides an overview of our publications, activities and public policy impact for the 2013-14 year. Read More

Nov 25, 2014

What the government isn’t telling you about federal transfers

November 25, 2014

Too many federal transfer programs fail basic tests of transparency, efficiency, and fairness. Read More

Nov 20, 2014

SPPG Event: In Conversation with Governor Martin O’Malley

November 20, 2014

Join us on November 25 for a special event that will feature Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley in conversation with Former Ontario Premier, Bob Rae. Tickets are free and the event is open to the public. Read More

Nov 13, 2014

What Governments Can Learn From the Toronto Maple Leafs About Achieving Goals. Seriously.

November 13, 2014

Do Canadian governments need their own Kyle Dubas? Read More

Nov 11, 2014

Reprogramming Government for the Digital Era

November 11, 2014

This Shifting Gears report explores the promise and perils of digital technologies for the core functions of governments. Read More

Nov 04, 2014

Nov 04, 2014

A Federal Economic Agenda for Ontario

November 4, 2014

Discussion Paper

The Mowat Centre, the Northern Policy Institute, and the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity are convening a broad range of economic stakeholders in Ontario to develop a Federal Economic Agenda for our province. Read More

Oct 29, 2014

Mowat Centre’s Trick-or-Treat Index

October 29, 2014

The average 8-year old probably spends little time thinking about urban form or neighbourhood planning. But come October 31st, the night kids turn into candy-crazed zombies and superheroes, children across Toronto will gravitate to neighbourhoods that possess the magic mix of density, walkability and housing stock to yield maximum candy returns. Read More

Sep 25, 2014

Five ways that federal decisions make it harder for Ontario to balance its books

September 25, 2014

The budget presented by Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa in July projected a deficit for the seventh year in a row. The province faces difficult choices in order to return to balance. Read More