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Oct 19, 2017

Ontario is transitioning to a green economy. How can we ensure that decent work will be available?

October 19, 2017

Economies around the world are in transition as businesses, citizens and governments embrace new ways of generating growth that put less strain on the planet. Read More

Oct 18, 2017

Video: Quebec’s Place in Canada

October 18, 2017

On The Agenda with Steve Paikin, Jean-Marc Fournier, Quebec minister for Canadian relations, joins The Agenda to discuss the government document: “Quebecers: Our Way of Being Canadian.” Read More

Oct 13, 2017

Measuring Outcomes in Practice

October 13, 2017

Fostering an enabling environment for measurement in Canada

There is growing recognition that the social and economic challenges affecting individuals and communities are highly interconnected. Read More

Oct 11, 2017

AI arms race: The labour costs

October 11, 2017

Sunil Johal on a panel discussing how the rise of artificial intelligence could impact Canada’s workforce and what we need to do to ensure the transition doesn’t leave workers behind as the labour market evolves. Read More

Oct 11, 2017

Decent Work in the Green Economy

October 11, 2017

As Ontario and other provinces move toward a greener economy, policymakers should consider the implications of these changes on employment opportunities, and particularly opportunities for decent work. Decent Work in the Green Economy, a new report from the Mowat Centre and Smart Prosperity Institute, explores this challenge. The report identifies where workers might be vulnerable to disruption, and considers where policy intervention may be beneficial. Read More

Oct 10, 2017

Fixing Canada’s EI system is critical for the future of work

October 10, 2017

Canada’s employment insurance (EI) system is a major plank of the country’s social architecture. However, the system, now 75 years old, is failing to meet its original intent. EI was established to protect workers against income loss while temporarily out of work and to provide access to job opportunities through training. In order to meet those objectives today, EI needs major reforms. Indeed, the shortfalls that exist in 2017 will only be amplified as the employment landscape continues to change significantly in the decades ahead. Read More

Sep 27, 2017

Provinces should lead policy innovation on Canada’s defining issues – again

September 27, 2017

With political news focused on federal tax changes, a federal cabinet shuffle, and federally-led NAFTA renegotiations, it is easy to lose sight of the where the weight of governing falls in Canada. According to the OECD, Canada’s provincial, territorial and local governments account for nearly four out of every five public dollars spent – a level of decentralization unmatched by any other developed country. Read More

Sep 21, 2017

Putting bold ideas into action

September 21, 2017

Building the nation beyond Canada 150

As the nation celebrated its 150th birthday this summer, Canadians naturally reflected on what the country has accomplished over the past century and a half. Read More

Sep 19, 2017

Bridging the Gap

September 19, 2017

Designing a Canadian What Works Centre

As demand for evidence-based policymaking increases at all orders of government, Canada must build capacity to generate and mobilize evidence. This paper explores the concept of What Works Centres, independent and non-partisan organizations structured to create, collect and curate evidence on public policy challenges and the success – and failure – of government and community-based interventions. Read More

Aug 24, 2017

Q&A Session on the “Gap”

August 24, 2017

The “gap” is a dollar figure that seeks to measure a province’s aggregate net fiscal contribution or benefit vis-à-vis the rest of the federation. The federal government collects financial resources from its myriad revenue sources. Read More